Basic facts
About Czech Republic - |
About Prague - |
Weather - |
Most Czechs are aware that their language is a nightmare for foreigners, but a well-timed word or two might reward you with a smile if not noticeably better service, and -- who knows -- it may open a few cultural doors.
English | Czech | Pronunciation |
Please | Prosim | PRO-seem |
Thank you | Dekuji | D'-e-kwee-ee |
Yes | Ano (or "no") | AW-no |
No | Ne | neh |
Hello | Dobry den | DOE-bree-den |
Goodbye | Na shledanou | NA SKLE-dawn-o |
How much does it cost? | Kolik to stoji? | Koe-LEEK toe STOY yee? |
One | Jeden, Jedna, Jedno | YED-en, YED-na, YED-no |
Excuse me | Prominte | Pro-MIN-tay |
Where is ...? | Kde je...? | GDAY ye ... ? |
Where is the metro? | Kde je metro? | GDAY ye metro? |
Where is the bathroom? | Kde jsou toalety? | GDAY sow TOWA-aletty? |
One beer | Jedno pivo | YED-no pi-vo |
Another, please | Jeste jedno, prosim | YESH-ty-e, YED-no, PRO-seem |