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NPDF 2025 will celebrate the XXIXth edition of this unique meeting of amateur dance which has already attracted more than 10 490 dance lovers from all around the world.

The New Prague Dance Festival was founded in 1997 and its aim was to join all the people who love the art of dance, without any differences of nationality, language or religion, to show the other people their artistic production on the international field. Thanks to this international level, the festival – competition gives an opportunity to see the other lovers of dance and their interpretation in all its forms and styles. The other object, was to create a sort of a “bridge” among young people from all over the world, and thanks to the dance, as an international language, could help in the process of convergence among people of various nations and cultures and also to strike up new friendships among people from the whole world. That’s why is this festival – competition oriented to the private dance schools, tudios and institutes and also to the amateur dance groups and choruses, where is the concentration of young people and fanciers the biggest one.

I sincerely believe, that the Heart of Europe – Prague, can help with its rich artistic and culture history and tradition, to create better atmosphere of our International Dance Meeting and people would experience the heritage of our country. Already from the beginnings of this festival – competition, our organization has been cooperating with The National Theater and its ballet ensemble, further then with the Dance faculty of the Charles University of Prague – HAMU and the cultural centers of the representative offices in the Czech Republic. This prestigious cooperation gives to the participants of our festival the guaranty and protection that everything would be on the highest level and professional quality during the whole stay in Prague.

From year to year we try to improve the quality of our dance meeting and offer to the dancer always something new and interesting. One of the important changes was the alternation of the dance categories, so now you can really find a great variety of all the dance styles! The other step was the cooperation with the Grishko Company, maker of the dance shoes and costumes, which awards one of the main prizes – 1000 EUR and during the whole festival offers to the participants its products with discounts! These innovations have been going on, so the last year we chalk up a further big new. We added the Masterclasses (the Workshop), in the classic and modern style, folk and also the special techniques (Pilates) under the leading of the professors of the Charles University Dance College – HAMU and the State Dance Conservatory of Prague.

In my opinion, this is the best way and unique opportunity to show the participants the old historic halls of National Theatre Ballet Ansamble and Dance Conservatory, to improve the dance and to discover new trends in the development of both, the classic and modern dance.

As already mentioned we try to do our best to add something new every year. For example a dance seminary for pedagogues (classical dance Vaganova Method), lessons of Russian folk dance and theatrical make-up.

Of course, we didn’t forget to offer a rich tourist program, which includes also a tour of the historical parts of Prague, a visit to the Pragues Castle of the Emperor Charles IV., cruise on the Vltava River and possibility of visiting prominent historical sites around Prague.

Our organization firmly believes, that the orientation and the ideas of the NPDF are the best they can be, are chosen with the best intentions, will help the dance art and thanks to YOUR attendance on this international dance meeting our ideas will be brought to many other parts of the dance world. With respect and wishes of the best in Your artistic creation.

Your David Pospíšil
Director New Prague Dance Festival
Director Assistant of National Theatre in Prague

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